Feeding Local Hungry Families While Supporting Small Berkshire Farmers.

The Berkshires are home to many families who are food insecure. The Berkshires are also blessed with numerous small, local farms that could help relieve much of this hunger.

Our mission is to bring together families who are hungry with our local small farms. We can reduce hunger while supporting our local farmers.

Changing the Berkshires is possible and you can help us .

Fact: There are many families in the Berkshire Mountains who are hungry.

Fact: The Berkshires are blessed with numerous small, not corporate farms, that raise livestock in a humane fashion and grow fruits and vegetables with great care.

How we can join together and eliminate local hunger

Local Farms have joined together with local officials in the schools, first responders and clergy members to identify families who are hungry. Our local farmers put together THE GOOD FOOD BOXES consisting of products they have grown and raised on their farms. These boxes are donated directly from the farm to the families. Our donations for the food boxes are paid directly to the farmer who will create the Boxes and deliver them.

Our Farmers

Our Charter member farmer are:

Josuah’s Farm in Sandisfield, Ma

The Farm in New Marlborough, Ma.

More to come

When you reap your harvest in your field and forget to sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the Lord your G-d may bless you all the work of your hands.

_ Deuteronomy 24:19

(The righteous are those) who feed the poor, the orphan and the captive for the love of G-d

  • The Quran 76:8-9

Our Story - How It Came Together

Two Monterey residents (Joel and Wendy) were speaking with a local farmer (Brigitte from Joshua’s Farm in Sandisfield). Over the years, they had purchased several delicious broiler chickens from her. Brigitte mentioned that she knew of local families who needed protein, so Joel and Wendy asked if they could purchase two additional chickens that Brigitte could then give to those families. Brigitte went on to find two additional residents who also bought some broilers, which were then donated to the hungry families.

On the other side of town, a school social worker (Sarah) met with a food coordinator (Jenny) who had teamed up with some local farmers, church folks, and community helpers to put together and deliver a fun food box consisting of fruits, vegetables, eggs, cheese and shelf goods.

What was missing was the meat.

When hearing about these food baskets, Brigitte reached out to the social worker, Sarah, and the food coordinator, Jenny. They began to talk, and then their dreams came true: they made their first delivery on December 7, 2023, of eight 5 to 6-pound birds. These gifts were financed by local people making donations directly to the farmers who then fed local families in need. .

Another local farmer (Tom, from The Farm, New Marlborough, MA), hearing about the food baskets, joined as a charter member farm and will also participate in the Good Food Boxes project. We look forward to expanding this network of participating farmers to feed more families as they need help.

The party is just getting started! We would love for you to participate with us in strengthening our community. Could you or your friends join together to please purchase even one item from one of our member farms? This will help support local farmers and provide the recipient families with a healthy and sustainable food source. To make a purchase and feed a family in need, click below.

We thank you,

Brigitte, Tom, Sarah, and Jenny